Why You Need Professional Teeth Cleanings

Professional teeth cleaning at the Independence, MO, office of dentists Drs. Richard and Jeffrey Mark help you keep your smile healthy. Cleanings are recommended every six months for most people.

But I brush and floss every day!

Brushing and flossing are excellent ways to protect your teeth and prevent plaque and tartar buildup. Unfortunately, it's easy to miss a few spots when you brush and floss, particularly if your teeth overlap.

The dental hygienists at the Independence dental office use tools that safely remove plaque and tartar from hard-to-reach places. When plaque and tartar remain on your teeth, your risk of tooth decay and gum disease increases. Tooth decay may increase the likelihood that you'll need a crown one day or even a root canal on a tooth. Scheduling regular teeth cleanings not only prevent cavities but also helps you avoid dental procedures and restorations in the future.

Although you can remove plaque at home, getting rid of tartar isn't quite so easy. Plaque turns into a hard brownish deposit in as few as 10 days. No matter how carefully you brush and floss, it's impossible to remove tartar without special dental tools.

Cleanings help you look the best

Noticeable tartar build-up on your teeth can make you feel a little self-conscious when you smile. Cleanings get rid of tartar and remove minor surface stains. When you leave the dental office, your smile will be sparkling. Fresh breath is another benefit of dental cleanings. Once trapped food particles between teeth are removed, you may notice an improvement in your breath.

Cleaning appointments are important for good oral health

Your hygienist will report any potential dental issues spotted during your cleaning to the dentist, such as tooth sensitivity or inflamed gums. Based on the hygienist's report, the dentist's examination, and any X-rays that are taken, he can diagnose common tooth problems, such as cavities, loose fillings, gum disease, or infections. When you visit the dentist every six months, dental issues can be quickly treated and will be less likely to become major problems.

Is it time for your next dental cleaning? Call your dentists in Independence, MO, Drs. Richard and Jeffrey Mark, at (816) 461-3660 to schedule your appointment.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm



